Certificate Awards Ceremony

On 5 June a school certificate awards ceremony for students in Grades 11 and 12 took place.

Due to the quarantine, the event was held in a new format. However, we tried our best to make this day memorable for our graduates. The festive atmosphere and a beautiful song performed by our music teacher Urumbayev Medet will remain in the memory of the visitors for a long time. There is a new page ahead in the book of their lives. What roads are graduates of 2020 destined to take? Their future depends on them. The only thing we can do is to say: “We wish you a happy journey, dear graduate of 2020! You have an adult life ahead!”



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190 Al Farabi Avenue, Almaty, Kazakhstan | Tel.: +7 (727) 313-39-34, +7 (771) 104 00 80 | E-mail: secretary@miras.kz
