Communication from the Organizing Committee!

Communication from the Organizing Committee!

Please note that we had a large flow of projects arriving to the OC in a few last days. Due to this, the OC will not be able to arrange presentation of all projects. Therefore, we, together with our Jury, will make a preliminary selection of the projects. Best 15 projects will be nominated as the finalists of the Competition. The finalists will have a chance to present their projects to the Jury.

In addition, the selection process will take time and so we have to push the dates of the presentations at a later time. Thus, the finalists will present in two sessions

May 3 from 9 till 1 pm and May 4 from 9 till 1 pm.

The schedule will be sent put as soon as we know the finalists.

The winners of the Competition will be announced in a special session on May 6 from 9 to 10 am.

All sessions are held on line using Zoom. The links will be sent separately.

Please send your questions to our coordinator for communications with the participants

m Gaukhar Ilasheva This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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190 Al Farabi Avenue, Almaty, Kazakhstan | Tel.: +7 (727) 313-39-34, +7 (771) 104 00 80 | E-mail:
