Home-room hour "I love this world!"

Home-room hour "I love this world!"

On February 12, 2021 it is celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Bobek Republic Children's Charity Foundation founder , the president of the SOS - Children's Villages of Kazakhstan Foundation, the author of an educational project to revive the moral and spiritual values ​ ​ of self-Knowledge, Sarah Alpysovna Nazarbayeva.

Our school community decided to celebrate this date with a variety of events: classroom hours, photo exhibitions, posters. Taking part in them, teachers and children touched the world of pure thoughts and mercy, opening their souls and hearts to the world.

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190 Al Farabi Avenue, Almaty, Kazakhstan | Tel.: +7 (727) 313-39-34, +7 (771) 104 00 80 | E-mail: secretary@miras.kz
