Elkhan Aday (11IB) was the sole winner of the silver medal at the Asian International Mathematical Olympiad (AIMO) amongst 2,000 participants from 17 different countries on August 6.

Elkhan Aday (11IB) was the sole winner of the silver medal at the Asian International Mathematical Olympiad (AIMO) amongst 2,000 participants from 17 different countries on August 6.
Picture this moment: Kuala Lumpur with its stunning skyscrapers, the bustling sounds of the city, and Elkhan proudly hoisting the flag of Kazakhstan in one of the world's main maths arenas!
Elkhan, Miras is proud of you! Congratulations on achieving such an impressive result.
We wish you continued success and many more victories in intellectual competitions.

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190 Al Farabi Avenue, Almaty, Kazakhstan | Tel.: +7 (727) 313-39-34, +7 (771) 104 00 80 | E-mail: secretary@miras.kz
