We are proud to announce that two students of Miras International School Bisimbi Doszhan (12IB) and Berkimbay Nazar (12IB), selected from among the talented youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan as repeated winners of national and international Olympiads, have been officially recognised as Ambassadors of the MPI "Centre for identification and support of gifted children and talented youth" Almaty Daryny" of the Department of Education of our city!
We are sure they will proudly and dutifully fulfil their duties as Ambassadors at various events organised by the school and Almaty Daryny!


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190 Al Farabi Avenue, Almaty, Kazakhstan | Tel.: +7 (727) 227 69 42, +7 (727) 242 16 65, 8 (771) 104 00 80 | E-mail:
